Recipe n°7 – Japanese style marinated chicken fins


Life is Beautiful :
Indeed, this recipe is a great opportunity for me to tell you about this incredible food which is rice !

This is not because it can also be found in the Camargue where I originally come from, but above all because it can be found everywhere ! Staple food of many civilizations and cultures, rice has since long time ago crossed the natural borders of our beautiful planet to be part of our daily life.

Throughout my numerous professional trips, I could realize how varied rice can be varied but above all, essential for human nutrition : sustainable and favourable to the most common food allergies.
In many Asian languages, the word “to eat” also means “to eat rice”. It is therefore very common to eat rice with every meal !

Originally from China where it diversifies, it symbolizes prosperity and abundance.
This is why rice is thrown at the bride and groom when exiting the church; luckily stones do not have the same meaning ! …

More seriously, for Muslims, rice would be born from a drop of the Prophet’s sweat that fell to the ground.

A Japanese legend says that in a very distant time when the population was hungry, a monk noticed a mouse nibbling on a small unknown seed. To find out where it came from but without scaring the mouse, he would have discreetly hooked a string to its paw and it would thus have revealed the place where the rice grew in abundance. The mouse has been a sacred animal ever since.

In some parts of Asia, people even believed that rice would have a soul and that is why the harvest should be done in silence… So as not to frighten the soul of the rice.

In India, the rice spread around the cradles of new-borns protected against evil spirits.

Sometimes coloured in red to symbolize fire, rice always has a benevolent function in the different regions of the world !

Symbol of the divine, rice is among us… To my great happiness !